Finding the Strength to Plough Through Difficult Times with Fi & Fifi from Physis Scotland

choosing change podcast Dec 11, 2023
Finding the Strength to Plough Through Difficult Times with Fi & Fifi from Physis Scotland

We've all experienced difficult periods in our lives where it seems like we don't have the strength to keep going. But psychotherapists Fi and Fifi share their powerful stories of resilience and how they found the inner strength to transform their lives on this weeks episode of Choosing Change.

Both Fi and Fifi experienced traumatic childhoods marked by isolation, loss, and abuse. They discuss how this early pain shaped their "scripts" - the unconscious beliefs we form about ourselves and the world. But through seeking help, taking risks like traveling far away, and cultivating vulnerability, they were able to rewrite their scripts and find joy.

A key lesson is that even in our darkest moments, we all possess an innate drive to survive. It's about harnessing that small spark of wanting change and following our curiosity. Fi encourages "updating our scripts" through making empowered choices in the present.

While difficult times feel lonely, asking for help takes courage. Both women emphasize we are far more resilient than we imagine. Their lived experiences now fuel their passion for supporting others through psychotherapy.

This thought-provoking conversation provides inspiration and practical advice on finding inner strength. Even when the path seems impossible, taking action like questioning limiting beliefs or seeking outside perspective can help break isolation. Difficulties make us wiser and better equipped to empower those facing adversity. Our greatest lessons often stem from surviving life's hardestships.

I can’t wait for you to listen to this conversation.


Highlights from this episode:

  • Human beings are more resilient than we imagine, and we have an inner strength and drive to survive even in difficult times.
  • Vulnerability can be a strength - asking for help is courageous and allows us to rewrite our "scripts" and shape our futures.
  • Isolation is often part of difficult times, but taking action like travelling far away or seeing a therapist can help break that isolation.
  • We all have difficult pasts, but they can become our greatest asset by helping us support others through their challenges.
  • Even when it feels impossible, harnessing that small inner spark of wanting change and following curiosity can help us find the strength to keep going.



"Human beings are more resilient than we imagined." - FiFi

"There's something about accountability, that is really important...we can make decisions in the here and now about how we want to affect our immediate life and our futures." - Fi

"Although we can't go back, and we can't actually undo our past, you know, the shit that we've been through, we can make different decisions about our presence and how we want to shape our future." - Fi

"Even if that's just 1%... that's good enough. … there's something about how you harness that 1% And then just let that sort of grow and transform." - Fi

Do reach out to us to continue this conversation.


Connect with Fi & Fifi Physis Scotland

Fiona Firman, PTSTA (P) has a busy full-time psychotherapy and supervision practice in central Edinburgh - Chrysallis Counselling & Psychotherapy - where she works with individuals and couples, as well as being a qualified supervisor and trainer. She is an accredited COSCA Diploma trainer. She is passionate about supporting people’s growth and development on a personal and professional basis through the use of TA. Fiona has extensive experience in working with adult survivors of childhood sexual abuse within the voluntary & statutory sectors, as well as in her private practice. She also has a special interest in working with clients who have a Borderline process and/or a formal diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder.

In addition, Fiona is Director of Training and Foundation Year Core Tutor working in partnership with Fiona Cook. Fiona has overall charge of the ongoing Physis Scotland Counselling and Psychotherapy training programme, its syllabus and accreditation with UKATA, UKCP and COSCA. She also plans the annual training calendar and CPD workshops. Fiona co-teaches on the Foundation Year programme and liaises with all other trainers involved in delivery of the courses offered at Physis Scotland. She is the contact point for all trainees currently attending the training programme. 

Fiona Cook, PTSTA (P) is a Certified Transactional Analyst and UKCP Registered Psychotherapist and has a small private practice in Edinburgh. She is also a qualified supervisor and COSCA accredited Diploma trainer. She has a background in the NHS as a Registered Nurse Teacher and Facilitator and has owned a successful freelance practice development consultancy business, (smallchangeBIGDIFFERENCE). Fiona is passionate about TA and having a TA presence in Scotland and uses her knowledge and experience in all aspects of her work with clients as a facilitator of personal change, transformation and enhanced autonomy.

In addition, Fiona is Director of Training and Foundation Year Core Tutor working in partnership with Fiona Firman. Fiona has overall charge of the ongoing Physis Scotland Counselling and Psychotherapy training programme, its syllabus and accreditation with UKATA, UKCP and COSCA. She also plans the annual training calendar and CPD workshops. Fiona co-teaches on the Foundation Year programme and liaises with all other trainers involved in delivery of the courses offered at Physis Scotland. She is the contact point for all trainees currently attending the training programme. 







Connect with Lizzie



Facebook: @lizziegmoult



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I'm Lizzie Moult

I’m an expert at mindful living, a nerd when it comes to psychology, and my obsession is teaching others how to trust their dreams and create a life they love (without people pleasing).

A S   S E E N   I N : 

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