J O I N   U S   I N S I D E

A spiritual community for women who are ready to live unapologetically

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Are you ready for a life beyond your wildest dreams, but don't trust your ability to create it?


Are you sick of spending way too much time weighing up options and want to follow that gut feeling? 


Or maybe you're just super curious about the woo, and ready to set your inner-witch free!


You don't have to settle for a life that doesn't feel like yours... 


Let me introduce you to the RISING the place where you can learn to transform your life from mediocre to magical.


 For too long the weight you have been carrying has been unbearable, indecision plagues your mind and you simply yearn for something better. Women have been put in boxes for centuries, our voice, ideas and opinions were shut down, roles pushed on to us to serve, taking advantage of our nurturing side. Our feminine energy ridiculed for being sensitive, emotional and soft. Women burnt and drowned because they were healers, midwives, herbalists, and for gathering, dancing, singing and cleansing (aka cleaning) and divination (physic readings).

I'm done with all of that! I'm here to stand tall, rise and remember who I really am. A Woman, full of girl power in the modern age, and ready to remember my magic daily.

When we gather together we honour ourselves and we use collective knowledge to grow, support and celebrate one another. I'm not here to teach you how to do life, I'm here to show you the path to connect with your truth. And to help you to learn to trust it.

You can have it all...

Imagine being encouraged, cheered on and held while you....

★ Reconnect and remember who you truly are and what you are here to become

★ Release and heal the past, learning how to reframe and reveal your life lessons

★ Nourish and nurture yourself with grace, set beautiful boundaries and enjoy spiritual practices daily

★ Embody who you were born to be without worrying what others think of you.

★ Step into your next era with passion, purpose and strength.


what RISING women are saying

There were big parts of my soul that had been neglected for many years, especially my playful side!

Lizzie thank you so much for this wonderful opportunity to rediscover who I am at a soul level. This is something I have wanted to discover for a very long time. I didn’t realise to what extent I take on others thoughts/opinions & how much others mindsets affect my own (putting others first & limited boundaries).

- Bel

My biggest aha moment was when I broke through my need to push and control everything!

Before working with Lizzie life was very confusing, I felt like I was adrift and unsupported! There have been many ups and downs and Lizzie has never given up on me! I now have the support of an amazing group of women for whenever I need a boost, some advice, a kick in the pants or just someone to listen and understand me! 

- Celestine

Thank you so so much Lizzie for helping me unlock my emotions and understand who I really am! 

I've gained clarity on who I am, not just what I am and also helped me focus in on what I want for my life. I now feel I can go after what I want in all aspects of my life.

I really feel I developed skills and ways of thinking/approaching different situations that I will use for the rest of my life! You create such a safe space for all of us to share and open up - I really appreciate it! 

– Christina

Hey, I'm Lizzie.

A Spiritual Teacher, Holistic CBT (cognitive behavioural therapist) and writer living my best life in the Scottish Highlands. An Aussie country gal at heart, I moved my family across the world during Covid based on a vision! After years of people pleasing and prioritising everyone else - I knew it was time to give myself a little air space and trust my intuition. Following these whispers has led me to incredible places, meet inspiring people, dreamy opportunities and more. I believe it's all kinds of magical and I want to help you have this too! The secret key for me was taking the time to finally listen, listen to myself, my needs and then doing something about it, no more sitting around waiting for it to happen. I live unapologetically for my happiness. 


Join our community and you can start reconnecting with your truth today, connect with kindred spirits and have accountability each month.




When you join, you get access to...

A six part online course which is carefully designed to support you to learn how to trust yourself and your intuition.  We are here to create fierce leaders, strong women and advocate expression of voice and self. This is the toolkit to transform your life the way you want it - not to be like everyone else! The course is a mixture of video tutorials and powerful workbooks. 

Here is what is inside:

New Moon Ceremonies

Each New Moon, I will guide you to connect with your deepest self, unlocking all possibility so you can dream big for your life.  We set our monthly intentions, share gratitude and craft a plan ahead. 

Sister Circles

Each Full Moon, our community gathers to release and shake off their energy from what is no longer serving us, guided by the moons placement and oracle card. We check-in with our intentions and share with our fellow sisters to stay accountable to our actions.

Online Community

This is where all the conversation takes place, our very own Facebook group to ask all the questions, discuss our unraveling's, successes, challenges and share sunsets. 

Plus Bonus Teachings:

- Seasonal Living
- Money & Manifesting
- Communication & Relationships


Access to Live Events

Be the first to hear and get access to attend any of Lizzie's live workshops, circles or events at a majorly discounted price. 


Life can be All Kinds of Magical

When we open our eyes to the world, and what is available to us, anything is possible. 

It's time to break free from the daily grind and to reclaim your self-worth, to create a life of authenticity, fulfilment, and joy. Experience empowerment as you confidently set boundaries, communicate your needs, and make choices aligned with your values. Watch your relationships become healthier and more fulfilling, as you cultivate deeper connections based on mutual respect and understanding. You will no longer feel overwhelmed by the demands and expectations of others, but instead, find balance and harmony within yourself. You become the architect of your own happiness, making self-care a non-negotiable ritual. As you embrace your true self and live in alignment with your desires, unlocking a life of purpose, abundance, and personal growth. 

Are you ready to rise unapologetically?










Full Moon Circle in PISCES {online}

Wednesday 18th September
1.30pm - 2.3pm GMT


Saturday 21st September
6pm - 8pm GMT
In-person event - Turf Hut, NTS Glencoe Visitors Centre

New Moon Ceremony in LIBRA

Wednesday 2nd October
12.30pm - 1.30pm GMT


Love of the RISING 

It was a delight, surprising, confronting and exhilarating.

I was and still am, blown away by the whole concept of the ‘spirit essence’. It feels as I have been offered another missing link which will guide me in my life journey of self-discovery and more importantly self-love. Thank you again Lizzie for this truly sacred offering and guidance. Lots of love to you 

– Imma

It was such a fascinating trip of self-discovery to go so deep during the course and discover my true spirit essence.

Lizzie, I am already incorporating the learnings in all aspects of my life, living with more power whilst embodying my essence and living authentically.

Thanks so much for  creating a truly safe environment to be open and honest and workshop with a fun, like-minded, incredible group of women, amazing!

– Jules

An enlightening, fun, excavation into your soul's unique expression.

What a deep dive into discovering and meeting your most empowered self. The true essence of who you are, to step into this identity and to show up this way.

I felt inspired again to step forward and speak my truth.  Lizzie is a fantastic space holder.  Thank you xx

– Suzanne